Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Tonights dinner was pulled pork sandwiches, but hold up, don't get too excited. It was pulled pork from Trader Joes and their broccoli coleslaw. It's one of Austi's favorite meals and I had to wait until tonight to eat it since he could be home early.

But alas, the one night he comes home early, he isn't hungry... he swallows it anyways. Not much for being able to really enjoy it. But I can tell you it was really good and super easy to make.

I mixed the coleslaw with goddess dressing, sriracha and pepper. Piled it all on a sprouted sesame seed bun with a little side of arugula.

I don't think Aust has room for the dessert I made today :(
Too bad because its a peach crumble.
Oh well...More for me.
