Thursday, July 7, 2011

Up Da Butt Chicken

Tonight we had our friend Kwesi over for dinner. Both of the boys spent all day working hard on their projects.

Tonight's dinner was Oven-roasted Up-da-butt chicken.
I would love to do this on a grill but ours doesn't fit a whole chicken standing upright.
I set the wire rack on the very bottom, covered a pyrex pan with foil and sat the chicken on a half can of beer with garlic inside. I smeared the chicken with a butter rub and popped it in the oven for 45 minutes.
Sooo good.

We ate the chicken with a side of wild rice and arugula~

I am studying for my CSET that's coming up this weekend. It's a 5 hour test and I hope to god I pass. I won't be concocting anything special until Sunday because like a good girl; I will be studying :)

Till then,